
We have two employees who do not like one another. They had an incident between them a year ago, supervisor met and discussed with them, and we, as management, thought things had been settled. While not a perfect relationship they appeared to be civil over this past year. Two weeks ago there was a flare up and one employee made a profane remark to the other. We have been talking, have reprimaned the employee who swore, and are now into a full blown workplace violence investigation (employee who was the receiver of the remark claims fear of the other employee). My questions are: Can we order these employees to mediation? (I told the boss yes and generated a letter to them with the scheduled appt. with our on staff mediator). One employee presented herself to me this morning, saying that she did not want mediation from a staff member that she has to work with. Qustion 2: Does this employee have a right to refuse the mediator of choice?
Thanks for any help anyone may be able to offer.
Thanks for any help anyone may be able to offer.