Exempt Employees on x-mas shutdown

Hello to all. Long time reader, first time writer. I'm sorry this is pretty long, but I'd rather give those of you with all the wisdom all the information I can!
We announced to our employees a year ago that we were going to shut down our facility (non-manufacturing,non-union) for the week of Christmas (12/23-12/27). We told employees that they could save 4 vacation days (because the 25th is a paid holiday)to cover for the week off. At that time we also gave them the option of letting them use their allotted vacation days during the year, knowing that if they didn't save 4 days for the Christmas shutdown, they would not be paid. This was clearly explained to all of our employees.
The issue I now have is regarding one of our exempt employees. Some of them used up all of their vacation days,knowing that they would not be paid for the four days off during that week. (Christmas day, as a holiday, would still be paid to them.)It is not an issue for them, however one exempt employee who used all of his vacation is now saying we need to pay him his regular salary for the week.
I have checked with our local (Indiana) wage and hour who told me that if they were 'ready, able, and willing' to work we cannot "dock them". Maybe I'm going out on a limb, but I feel we made it very clear in January 2002 that they had a choice about using or saving vacation days for the shut-down. They opted to use their vacation days during the year knowing that if they did, they wouldn't have any to use for the shutdown. We didn't have them sign anything, but we do have memo's etc. that explained the policy.
I now have approximately 18 exempt individuals who "saved" vacation days to cover for the shut-down. It is certainly not fair to them to pay those few who didn't save vacation days to pay them "extra days". Okay, I know this maybe hindsight, but where does common sense and fairness come in.
Does anyone have any insight, suggestions.......
We announced to our employees a year ago that we were going to shut down our facility (non-manufacturing,non-union) for the week of Christmas (12/23-12/27). We told employees that they could save 4 vacation days (because the 25th is a paid holiday)to cover for the week off. At that time we also gave them the option of letting them use their allotted vacation days during the year, knowing that if they didn't save 4 days for the Christmas shutdown, they would not be paid. This was clearly explained to all of our employees.
The issue I now have is regarding one of our exempt employees. Some of them used up all of their vacation days,knowing that they would not be paid for the four days off during that week. (Christmas day, as a holiday, would still be paid to them.)It is not an issue for them, however one exempt employee who used all of his vacation is now saying we need to pay him his regular salary for the week.
I have checked with our local (Indiana) wage and hour who told me that if they were 'ready, able, and willing' to work we cannot "dock them". Maybe I'm going out on a limb, but I feel we made it very clear in January 2002 that they had a choice about using or saving vacation days for the shut-down. They opted to use their vacation days during the year knowing that if they did, they wouldn't have any to use for the shutdown. We didn't have them sign anything, but we do have memo's etc. that explained the policy.
I now have approximately 18 exempt individuals who "saved" vacation days to cover for the shut-down. It is certainly not fair to them to pay those few who didn't save vacation days to pay them "extra days". Okay, I know this maybe hindsight, but where does common sense and fairness come in.
Does anyone have any insight, suggestions.......
Hope this helps!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
I believe, If your plant shut-down is a result of a fire, weather, or some other unplanned event, the employer would be required to pay or lay off the exempt employee employees. Hope this helped! Pork