History of HR, "Personnel"

Dear friends: I'm currently enrolled in Capella University trying to finish my degree in Bus. Admin. concentrating on HR Management. I need to do a paper about the history of my industry/career. Short of typing "History HR Personel" in a search engine, any suggestions on where/how to collect information? For those of you who have been in HR for many moons: would anyone be willing to be interviewed via email or phone? Thanks everyone!xhugs
I see that you're in Oregon. You might want to bend the ear of Alan Cabelly, one of the HR gurus at Portland State University (if he's still there -- last class I had from him was in 1984). Another good resource might be Sandy Henderson; she has an HR consulting practice in Portland (HR Specialties or something like that). She also taught at PSU.
Anything else I come up with, I'll let you know. Don't mind being interviewed (I've been in HR since 1985) but I warn you that if I don't know the answers, I just make 'em up as I go along. ;-)
Margaret Morford