Training seminars

I'm trying to find a good training seminar for supervisors. I would appreciate any feedback on the quality of seminars offered by National Seminars Group, CareerTrack, SkillPath Seminars or others. I have heard that some of them spend too much time marketing their services, and so valuable training time is lost.
For do-it-yourselfers, our Ten Danger Zones video series is good, and it's cheaper than most other products out there (chocolate not included).
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
Also, don't neglect your state resources. Our Bureau of Labor and Industries in Oregon will conduct on-site training on any number of topics of interest to supervisors at a reasonable cost (I think they only charge $195/hr for up to 50 attendees). Perhaps DC has similar resources available.
I have also implemented an annual in-house mandatory training workshop for our supervisors dealing with our specific issues, but also including updates on harassment, discrimination, progressive discipline, references, etc. An attorney who specializes in personnel law is conducted the workshop.
Good luck!
Topics we've covered in-house lead by professors from the university include:
Dealing with Difficult People (not that any of us do but just in case
Other good sources for information are local breakfast briefings held by attorneys in our area for either no charge or a nominal fee. The local SHRM chapter also brings in speakers at monthly meetings.