[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-10-02 AT 10:14AM (CST)[/font][p]Help!!!! We just recently hired someone and she came to us last week and told us she just found out she was pregnant. With that she told us that her doctor put her on restricted duty.. An essential function of her job is lifting two women who are physically and mentally disabled.. What is our responsibility to this woman? What are our options? Thanks for the help.
I had a similar situation in a union manufacturing plant I worked at in the early 90's. (Man that makes me sound old!) We had a policy of not accomodating non-work related restrictions. The reason for this if they aggravated the injury it became WC.
We then had an employee request an accomodation because she could not either lift, or be around some chemicals, and was told no. The female union steward hit the roof. Said we were discriminating against her because she was pregnant. I pointed out that actually I was treating her like everyone else. Pregnancy was not a disability or permanant condidtion, so like someone with a broken arm, we would not accomodate. She was hot, called everybody and their brother, but nobody could show me anything that said I was wrong. Funny thing is the employee had disability insurance and was not overly upset by this, just the union steward of course.
Facts were they could not perform the essential functions of the job, so they could not work. It did not make me very popular with the ladies in the plant!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
DJ The Balloonman