How do you address an issue of odor?

I have an employee who has cancer and has had several surgeries. She has a almost decaying type of odor that emanates from her. I am not certain but believe she has a colostomy. It is incredibly offensive and although not an issue every day or even part of every day, just following her can nearly knock you off your feet. She doesn't seem to be aware of it. How do I address this without offending her?
This is a very tough one. Good luck
Be understanding and gentle. Seek some face saving solutions. Explain that almost everyone at some time in their life has to address these types of issues.
Don't do anything that might emberass her. Be very discrete. I have had a couple of these discussions and they are no fun. In one situation, the person simply did not bathe. She had to be removed from our food service department because I felt she was represented a sanitation problem. It was not an enjoyable discussion despite how hard I tried to be gentle.
A follow up post would be appreciated.
I hope this helps. If you want a copy of the letter please let me know and I will email it to you.
I would love a copy of the letter you send to an employee's home. I am currently being faced with this problem. A very overweight female employee that comes in contact with students has very bad body odor. A number of students have complained as well as coworkers. I need to speak to this employee, but have never done it before. I like the idea of sending a letter and sparing myself and the employee an embarassing face to face meeting.
Thank you,
Couple of suggestions:
(1) You may want to call an oncologist's office and just be frank about the problem and ask if there are any suggestions you could make to the employee.
(2) In this case, I would talk with the employee face to face as this is an extremely sensitive subject. Not just a case of poor hygiene, laziness, etc., but this is a bona fide medical condition. Something like: "Mary, I don't like bringing up this subject, but it it were me, I would appreciate someone telling me. Several people, including myself, have noticed a distinct and unpleasant body odor coming from you. I realize you have had medical issues and this may be the cause of it. If so, I would like to offer you some suggestions (then go into whatever the doctor might have suggested).
In the best case, this won't be pleasant to bring up, but the poor woman probably does not realize it and will appreciate being told.
Good luck!