Need Vacation Grid!

We are a new operation, and will need to have our ee's sign-up for vacation based on seniority. Does anyone have a nice grid or form that can be used for this purpose? Thanks!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Years ago, we used copied pages from a calendar, one set for each department/unit. The senior person gets it first and writes his/her name on the dates requested, then it's passed on to the next employee in line. We found that using a graphic method worked best. If you could see that the days were already allocated, you couldn't say later that you thought it was available!

    Of course, we usually had to do some fine-tuning once we received the pages back in the office--staff requesting more time than they would have available or writing another name on the same date. Generally speaking, it worked fairly well--although some employees did not get the time off they really wanted. Also, we had many "family emergencies" during the summer, funny how many grandparents pass away during the peak vacation times.

    The other down side was that vacation requests had to be submitted by the end of March for the rest of the year. Sometimes it is hard to know when to ask for time off so far in advance.
  • Can't help you with the grid; but, I do want to strongly be on record as saying that seniority should not forever ensure the senior guy his preferred days off. The first time, yes; but, thereafter, it should be rotated. Otherwise, the senior guy always, until he/she retires, gets the best pick of days. Not only unfair, but fosters perpetual discontent in a department. Adds nothing of value to the department's success or productivity, in fact is a giant detractor.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 12-06-02 AT 01:50PM (CST)[/font][p]I agree with Don on the seniority issue. Our folks request time off as soon as they know they want it. If there is a conflict and they can't work it out, the manager can help to decide who gets the time. The manager may base it on seniority or other factors but it is always explained to the employees and we have never had a problem getting them to be reasonable when we are reasonable. Also, if someone has requested time off and a more senior person comes along two months later and requests the same time, sorry, that time is spoken for. This encourages requesting as early as possible.
  • THANK YOU Don. .having now been here 4/2 years and having just been informed I'm not getting what I wanted for Christmas week (and I NEVER take time off) d/t seniority.
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