Wage & Hour Audit

We got a letter today stating that the DOL-Wage and Hour Division was coming to our facility on 12/4 to "determine compliance..." They want to examine employee time and payroll records for the past two years as well as I-9's.
Does anyone know if these are done randomly? We have an ex-employee who is suing us and has previously called OSHA. Would really like to know if this is random.
Does anyone know if these are done randomly? We have an ex-employee who is suing us and has previously called OSHA. Would really like to know if this is random.
Don provided an excellent answer, but were you trying to find out if they show up randomly or only when they are called with a complaint? Perhaps I misunderstood the question.
I called our attorney and advised him of these facts, but he said to offer what I had since I do not think we have any problems. We are a union facility, have not had an overtime grievance in 5 years, and pay o/t after 8 in a day, rather than 40 in the week.
Having said all that, I think I feel a little sick about all of this.
Thanks for all your help,
1. The woman had no sense of humor. .it was extrememely formal and there was no sense of coaching, helping, information exchange that I experienced in other types of audits (state, accrediting etc.)
2. I felt from the beginning she was determined to find SOMETHING ..(as Don notes, justify her existence?)
3. I recall asking if it was random or as a result of a complaint and they would not divulge the information. Based on input from other agencies, we always felt it was a result of a call.
4. We passed with flying colors the Subminimum wage issue, but got nailed on something that had nothing to do with that. . Staff lunch hours..(OT)I think we ended up paying about $3,000 in back wages and modified our time sheets to correct the matter. Probably would not have been that high had 2 staff not seen the opportunity to augment their savings accounts.
In hindsight, I should have worried less. Like you, we did not feel we had any problems and always operated in an integritous and honest fashion. It sounds like you have a good track record and if they find a techinicality or problem, so be it. . .it would not be a result of a deliberate attempt to screw ee. It ended up being a learning experience for us and we improved our documentation of time. Will be thinking of you on the 4th. Do let us know how it goes.