Use of personal car on sales blitz - accident

We are a D.C. employer. We have a sales team that went out of town on a sales blitz. One of the sales managers drove his own car and was involved in a car accident. There was extensive damage to his vehicle. He has turned the claim into his personal auto insurance, but has asked if the company will cover his deductible. In this city, sales managers usually use taxi's, or walk if they need to go out into the city to make sales calls; so there has never been any formal agreement regarding personal car use.
Are we obligated to do anything, legally?
Are we obligated to do anything, legally?
Not that I am aware of. While on business, I had my car totalled out by an 18-wheeler. Since it was not my fault, the driver's insurance had to pay my deductable. However, our company accepts no liability when we have an accident using our own vehicle which is why I now rent when I travel.