Pre Placement Assessments

We've been working on reducing our "Days to Hire" metric. Unfortunately I have reached a road block. Currently about 38% of our job offers get stuck in our preplacement process (for an avg of 5 calendar days), waiting for physician recommendations, PT/OT screens etc. This portion of our process is handled by a business unit of our medical center. I'm curious if this is an issue for other organizations.
We are a medical center. An OT screen is a screen performed by an Occupational Therapist. I would completely agree that the road blocks should not be internal. And that is the dilemna, our medical center provides a large portion of the work done by this business unit. If we remove ourselves as a client I don't know that the unit will continue to be viable.
Any other thought on this subject are welcome.....
Post Offer Assessments,can are usually are, done the same day an applicant is hired, leaves their company's HR, goes to the Doc for the drug and physical. Here in Louisiana, the company I work for is contracted by many Offshore Drilling companies, municipal services (Police, Fire, Utilities) and other business fields (medical, manufacturing, processing, trucking, etc.) to do their Post Offer tests. We realize often the company has to get a person hired, tested and on the jobsite on the same day.
I have had a similar experience and discovered that the medical center contracted their MRO doctors only a couple a days a week. So we ended up waiting until they were available to process our screens. I resolved this issue by shopping around (may not be an option for you) and finding a new medical center a little more focused on the customers (us) needs.
Hope this helps,
Since we are contracted to help the companies with their hiring process, it is of utmost importance that we do all we can to expedite the process, and we do, even to staying long after hours to finish a test and get a new hire on the road.