Pajama Party!

Management is requesting a policy on foul-weather. Due to our industry demands, our operation cannot shut-down. Management wants ee's to understand that if bad weather breaks out, such as a blizzard, they are expected to stay at work, and even cover for the next shift if necessary.

Anyone have a policy on foul-weather practices? Thanks!



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Since you didn't say what business your are in, I will offer my suggestions based upon my experience in working at a 300-bed intermediate care nursing home. Start with the necessities first: how will you accomodate these employees if they stay for extra shifts? Will you be able to provide meals or rest areas away from the work after the second shift? Would you be willing or able to provide transportation for employees who can't get to work on their own? (There was no public transportation to our facility. We utilized a four-wheel-drive pickup truck to shuttle employees to and from work.) Would you allow the employees to make personal phone calls to make arrangements for their children's care?

    Secondly, decide at what point do you "make" employees stay. What might seem like a disaster to you, might be a mere inconvenience to someone else. Is three feet of snow too much? two feet? six inches? Once you make that decision, how will you implement it?

    Consider establishing an employee disaster committee to brainstorm on ideas--your employees will come up with many ideas (many worth using).

    Write a policy that addresses the concerns and distribute it. As a final note,please remember to recognize those employees who stayed.

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