Firing for excessive absenteeism

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-19-02 AT 04:16PM (CST)[/font][p]The employee has not shown up for work since Novemer 8th. Employee communicates via email, because his telephone is disonnnected. We want to terminate the employee immediately. Should we fire via emai?
Email does not seem professional enough for the situation. I once had a case where the employer met with an employee at a stakehouse to discuss his employment and terminated him there. He sued for wrongful termination. We did a mock trial -- the mock jury was livid that the employee was terminated at a stake house -- in their view it was not professional.
I also think that email is not professional enough, and is the type of fact that could anger a jury. An offical signed letter is a much better option (even if you have to pay something for hand delievery of overnight mail).
Good Luck!
However, has the employee given any explanation as to why he is not comng to work? Has the supervisor inquired of the employee or obtained any information as to why the employee has not come into work?