Working alone in the workplace

I have recently found that some managers have been coming in alone to work on Sundays (facility is closed). I understand this has been a long time condoned work practice here (I'm new to this firm). I know that there are many safety related issues and wonder if any of you have policies written that address (prohibit) this situation. I would like to go to our Senior Management and bring them up to date on potential costly liabilities, not to mention the danger to involved employees.
Appreciate your help.
Appreciate your help.
However, we do have a policy that prohibits employees from being in the work areas more than 15 minutes after their scheduled work hours. Only certain employees are given the code for the motion detector, so that keeps a lot of people away on the weekend.
I don't want to discourage managers from being productive but I also do not want to find any formerly alive ee's when I arrive on Monday x:-(
The episode with the female ee arriving to find an unauthorized person in the plant would indicate the need for some security measures to protect not just the employees but the assets of the organization.
Security guards? systems? alarms? gated parking lot?
For safety reasons, it's really not a good idea to have people in a building by themselves without benefit of security (either live or a system) especially if they have to walk into a parking lot by themselves.