Two Hands in the Cookie Jar!!

We just hired someone and found out through our background check, that rather than resigning from his previous job, he simply took a leave of absence. At first I didn't really care and figured he was just covering himself, but now I'm worried about his integrity.

Anyone feel this is a violation of any sort on his part?




  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Check your employment application, did he indicate employment dates-start/end?
    Typically with a leave of absence you are considered an active employee. Did he state an end date on the app? If so, confront him on your findings and get his side of the story. If your offer was contigent upon successful/satisfactor verification of facts on resume/application, and he confesses to the omission, you have your answer-terminate him. He falsified records.
  • I too would be worried about his integrity! There's nothing worse then someone not being totally up front on the application or interview process. In addition to him falsifying documents, do you have any additional policies that may address an employee being found unacceptable as a result of employment screening? Or, do you have a required probationary period?
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