"Daddy, can I have a raise?"

Anyone out there have a good policy on NEPOTISM? I'm in the process of drafting a policy and was looking for some good advice. Happy Friday!!!
Ours is fairly simple and has been blessed by the lawyers:
Relatives may be employed at XXX Company provided the following conditions are met:
1) they do not work under the direction of one another, either directly or indirectly
2) they have no responsibility for performance appraisals of one another
3) they have no input into setting compensation of one another
4) they do not control the budget from which the pay of another is drawn
5) there is no real or perceived conflict of interest
A relative is defined as spouse; natural, step or adopted parent' in-law; brother; sister; son; daughter; or grandparent/grandchild.
Employees brought on during an acquisition will be reviewed on a case by case basis. All employees hired after the effective date of this employee handbook will be subject to this policy.
Hope this helps.
Here is another link to some info on nepotism:
We dont have a nepotism policy here because it hasn't been an issue and we are located in a tiny coastal town. We have "mom and pop" roots so family members working here has and probably will continue. Its just not a problem.
It was a bit awkward though recently when I had an assistant position open and our executive director's son was looking for a job. I just would have treated him like any other applicant. He didn't apply so it never became an issue.
My point to this (Ok besides needing to vent after one of his idiotic episodes) is that by hiring in immediate family in some positions causes hard feelings for the rest of the ee in the company.
Son of Managing Partner can come and go as he pleases with no questions asked or disciplinary action considered.
Son of Managing Partner can do little or no work without fear of reprisal. Also, he can screw up his job but someone else will be blamed for his mess. And he can resist suggestions about improving his job performance because he's already perfect.
Son of Managing Partner gets four times the pay increase that everyone else does.
Policies can sometimes be written around Son of Managing Partner; e.g. our attendance policy went into effect after Son took time off which would've been in violation of the policy, had it gone into effect as soon as it was written and distributed.
Think this all creates resentment and feelings of demoralization among his fellow employees who have to actually work for a living? You bet it does!
In all fairness, there were 2 owners/partners. I am convinced that the other partner told father to get his SON out of the business.