Monday Morning:-(

We have an ee who just stated that she is unable to do a portion of her job fuction. She claims that there is to much heat around the work station (never been an issue for anyone else in our calibration work group). She further claims the heat makes her ill. The job requires standing next to a heated tank of liquid and emersing parts to bring them to a temperature for calibration purposes. The area is just slightly warmer than normal room temperature, she has the ability to step away from the area regularly and she's not standing over the heated material.
There is nothing in her medical file restricting her from this type of activity and we are short handed due to recent layoffs. She normally doesn't do this activity on a regular basis but because of the above (layoff situation) she is being asked to work this station more regularly to her obvious chagrin.
My immediate supervisor and I disagree on what to do about this situation.
need some help!!!
There is nothing in her medical file restricting her from this type of activity and we are short handed due to recent layoffs. She normally doesn't do this activity on a regular basis but because of the above (layoff situation) she is being asked to work this station more regularly to her obvious chagrin.
My immediate supervisor and I disagree on what to do about this situation.
need some help!!!
Thank you for your advice, sage as usual.
I have requested of this employee a doctors note stating any restrictions and I've provide a through job description for said doctor. (I'm sure we'll get a note from the doctor stating that as long as her eyes remain blue and the moon continues to travel around the earth that she is retricted from doing anything that she doesn't want to do). I'm feeling a little jaded this morming.
Would you send her home until she provides the above or live with the issue? I hate to shoot myself in the foot by getting rid of someone but really need an employee who can do the whole job. Not much room for accomodation with this situation.
Get well soon !!!!
too be continued I'm sure....
That's when your skin gets all dried out from the wind rushing by from the fan your wonderful employer provided, or in your case standing on the beach maybe by Haystack Rock and the wind blows in at gale force (of course minus the rain) from the Ocean... ;-)