Discrimination Charges

We recently won 2 discrimination charges. Both charges were bogis charges. Disgruntle employees for termination. I would like to know if there is anything a company can do when the EEOC finds the company did not discriminate to the former employees? These charges cost a lot of time and money. I have never experienced this before. I appreciate your expertise.
A lot of company's from what I hear just pay the ex-employee money so they would drop the charges. It is alot cheaper to pay them off than to pay a lawyer. What do you think of that? I would not do something like that. It is the principle.
Many companies handle EEOC responses in house (without an attorney). I would not suggest you do so for the first few that you have to address, but as you get more experienced, you can do more in house (for example, you could assemble the complete response, and have the attorney do a quick review, which will save the company a lot of money, since the attorney will not have to pull it all together on his own).
Good Luck!
1. Don't inform employees about the organizations internal policy for dealing with complaints.
2. Fail to investigate promptly and thoroughly employee complaints
3. "Force" the employee to seek an attorny by being stubborn, rude, etc.
4. Withholding information from employees causing them to be suspicious
5. Don't listen to employees
As it was mentioned before, it often comes down to employees feeling offended. You might have done the "right" things, but its possible you didn't do them the "right" way.