
We have an ee (now former) that was recently terminated for cause based on wording in her/our CBA. She has filed grieviences listing just about every article (really) in the CBA. This employee has had well documented behaviorial issues through out her employment and we are not inclined to consider reemployment as an option.
My question is; she is obviously retaliating and making baseless grieviences to cause our company to waste both $$$'s and time in our effort to defend our termination of her employment. What have you done in similar situations to reduce or eliminate this issue both now and in the future?
My question is; she is obviously retaliating and making baseless grieviences to cause our company to waste both $$$'s and time in our effort to defend our termination of her employment. What have you done in similar situations to reduce or eliminate this issue both now and in the future?
I appreciate your input and I'm making notes to utilize for the next contract negotiations (not to distant future).
Let me ask you and any others with appropriate knowledge and experience. What items did you either add or attempt to have added to your CBA that had a signifigant positive impact on attendance and productivity issues?
Thank you again,
p.s. Don, I alway enjoy reading your responses and mostly I agree with them or take away something new and useful! Thanks
My predecessors fell for the line. We have a no fault attendance policy in place but you have to miss a lot of time to get to a termination point. I do thank you for those words of wisdom and look forward to more.
I took a different approach with the union and negotiated a specific attendance policy that was no-fault and had progressive steps that lead to discipline/discharge. I believed this approach was preferred becuz it substantially reduced the number of smoke screen grievances and the bargaining group clearly understood the rules. We also had a broad mgt rights clause than enabled us to use other approaches to strengthen the attendance piece when deemed necessary. It helped smooth out the CBA and established a firm foundation for our position on attendance/tardiness. This worked very well for me and so I offer it for what it may be worth!!! Good luck.