Hot Topics In HR

I'm getting ready to present to our officers at our annual corporate meetings. What, in your opinion, is the "hottest" HR issue we're dealing with today? The presentation is only going to be about 15 minutes.
1) Workplace privacy - medical records and electronic privacy after 9/11 and the Patriot Act.
2) Downsizing - how to do it without destroying morale or sending ex-employees to the EEOC or their lawyers
3) Interaction between FMLA, ADA, WC
4) Neil Diamond - that was a pretty hot topic on the forum anyways.
Good luck!
Wait just a minute!!! I lived in southern California back in the 70's and ran into puhllllenty of laid back surfer dudes. It was hard not to trip over 'em. I don't think Philly would be their cup of tea. I'm also surprised that no one has mentioned violence in the workplace as a topic.
Interesting! I always thought we were high-stressed, got to be wherever we're going 5 minutes ago. And to get there, you must drive your own car. Californians loooooooove their cars, or more specially their SUVs. Why else would we fiercely defend our right to individually sit in our own car for up to 45 minutes in commute traffic to get through the tollgate to the Bay Bridge when we could breeze through in the commuter lane? And because we love our cars, we have to have a cell phone to connect with the outside world and not loose one precious minute that could be used to conduct business. Californians looooooove their cell phones.
We actually thought it was the Southerners who were laid back.
And those INS checkpoints inland sure do back up traffic - no where near the border...
I don't have one either. It just seems like everyone else does when I'm traveling the highways and byways. I do have a cell phone for business reasons,but do not talk on it while driving, in stores or restraunts. But, again, when driving, every other driver does seem to be on their phone and it appears very hard for them to talk and drive.
Lucky you! San Diego is beautiful. It is actually one of my districts, but I haven't been there for awhile.
California is still pretty laid back compared to some of the other states I've visited. The people are interesting and there's always something on the cutting edge going on out there. Still don't like the massive bureaucracy they have created in employment law, but, hey, that's them.
South Carolina has some pretty weird characters floating around too. The good ole boy network is still alive and well here. Got a 100 year old senator that has to be propped up on either side by aides before he can make an appearance and he actually resides at Walter Reed Hospital. (Talk about your perks!).