I know nothing about Myers-Briggs, but assume its some sort of personality inventory. I have heard references to "Myers Briggs J's and P's". Please clue me in to what that means. Thanks.
As far as I can recall a "J" stands for "Judger" and "P" stands for "Perceiver". The only difference I can remember is that a judger is always on time and a perceiver tends to be late (ie: "nothing starts until I get there" attitude). I think the only reason I remember this is because I was classified as a judger and felt the term was an odd choice. Cinderella
The MBTI is a personality designed to identify personality traits of an individual. I've used it many times, mostly for team development. The MBTI reveals how individuals within a team function on a daily basis----what motivates them, how to they gather information, make decisions, team conflict style, etc. I've found it to be very helpful in understanding how a person thinks and reacts to life in general. There are letters that reflect the outcome of the MBTI, e.g. do you process information externally/internally, are you a sensing or judegment type of person, etc... There are 16 personality types using variations of letters such as E/I, S/N, T/F or J/P.
I highly recommend a book called Please Understand Me. .Character & Temperament types by David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates. It is based on the Myers BriggsType Indicator test. We used it as a management development tool. We had a group who did not particularly bond well and this truly did help us to understand our different temperaments and it is really fun to boot. I am an ISFJ. As a J(judging) I tend to be settled, decided, fixed, plan ahead, decisive vs. P perceiving -flexible, tentative, let life happen, adapt as you go. . Just the tip of the ice berg. You really need to get the book. I'm guessing you are a ESTJ-hey would could start a whole new topic here.
"best adjective to descibe would be responsible.. know their community, usually pillars of strength.. outstanding at organizing orderly procedures and in detailing rules and regulations, like to see things done correctly.. may, at times, be abrupt with those who do not follow the rules.. generally loyal to their institutions, work and community and make excellent, faithful mates and parents..punctual and expect others to be also. .dependable and consistent" ETC ETC. .see not embarassing at all BUT it may not be you. I was just taking a guess. BUY THE BOOK!!
(I)ntroversion vs. (E)xtroversion (N)Intuitive vs. (S)sensory (F)eeling vs. (T)hinking (P)erceiving vs. (J)udging
I am an EFNJ but my E is not strong. Let me know and I will e-mail you my guess of your Myers-Brigg personality type.
If you go to [url]www.keirsey.com[/url] you can get more information on the Keirsey temperament sorter which uses the Myers-Briggs construct.
Each of the 16 variations has a name "Supervisor", "Inventor", "Teacher", etc. My personality is the "teacher" or the "counselor" depending on whether I am more extroverted or introverted.
Its a good system but I don't use it because some people find the letters confusing. I use a system with four personality types: Sunny sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, and Peaceful Phlegmatic.
Dandy Don: We all know that is not the case! Myers-Briggs Type Indicator has been in use for many years now. There is a company called High Performing Systems headed by Dr. ##### Thompson. His company can come into a company and use several instruments, one of which is the MBTI and work up a company profile and position profiles which will assist you in the recruiting and selection of individuals based on the position profile, the work unit's profile, which then gives you a tool to insert and individual into the right hole based on MBTI outcomes. For instance I am an extreme ISFJ (Introvert, sensing, Feeling, Judgemental) which when you survey a large "group of successful" HRs, the probabilities are great that an ISFJ or ESFJ will be identified among this group. Why, because the "Feeling" characteristics are dominate in our vocation. We are the "lovers of the human being and put them 1st in consideration of the world of work". "ESTJs" are dominate in the accounting field because they love numbers more than they do people. Put and "ESFP" in the accounting field and he/she will go nuts having to deal with numbers and no people. Dr. ##### Thompson has a long history and data bank of our nations military leadership over about a 10 year history. It works! [email]hpsys@aol.com[/email] is a place you can reach to get more information. Good Luck, your old cell mate, Pork
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-31-02 AT 02:55PM (CST)[/font][p]Now Don, be nice and don't start a squabble with your cell mate. .I'm sure Pork did not cheat. .besides there are NO right or wrong answers. Also note that he is sensING (vs sensitive) and there is a difference in this model. Also,( and I know you don't really care) the intro and extra-vert does not have a totally traditional meaning here. For example, I am a very high I..that does not mean that I do not like people, nor that I can not be the life of the party. It just means that when I need re energize I do so by solitude vs. by being around others. I'm telling you, you would like the book
Don, remember you are seeing me through this video scope and I display differently, I'm brave and outgoing from behind this screen, oh but see me for real and I can't fake it. Additionally, when I am among peers I am self confident and brave but inside I am exhausted when I am in the extrovert role. Christy why do you railroad ######## out ##### Thompson's name "#####"? His mother gave hinm that name and he wore as a badge of courage as a green beret for many years! Pork
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 11-01-02 AT 01:38PM (CST)[/font][p]I didn't railroad out the name, Pork - I thought you did that. It must be a really naughty word for the forum to do it automatically. E-mail me his name at [email]webeditor@hrhero.com[/email] and I'll check it out.
Oh, I can see how the forum got confused on that one. I fixed the setting, so it'll work now. The old messages won't show his name unless you edit them and type over the #### signs, though.
If you want to take a short, free verson of the Myers-Briggs test, go to [url]www.humanmetrics.com[/url] (click on the Jung Typology Test). It came out the same for me as the real one I took in a class several years ago. I'm an ENFJ.
Its a great system. Its based on:
(I)ntroversion vs. (E)xtroversion
(N)Intuitive vs. (S)sensory
(F)eeling vs. (T)hinking
(P)erceiving vs. (J)udging
I am an EFNJ but my E is not strong. Let me know and I will e-mail you my guess of your Myers-Brigg personality type.
If you go to [url]www.keirsey.com[/url] you can get more information on the Keirsey temperament sorter which uses the Myers-Briggs construct.
Each of the 16 variations has a name "Supervisor", "Inventor", "Teacher", etc. My personality is the "teacher" or the "counselor" depending on whether I am more extroverted or introverted.
Its a good system but I don't use it because some people find the letters confusing. I use a system with four personality types: Sunny sanguine, Powerful Choleric, Perfect Melancholy, and Peaceful Phlegmatic.
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor
Christy Reeder
Website Managing Editor