Elective Surgery

Can an employer refuse to allow an employee time off the job for elective surgery? The Sick Leave Policy allows employees to use sick leave for this purpose, but the employee is needed due to being shorthanded and she scheduled the surgery around the upcoming holidays.
I suggest you sit down with the employee to discuss her rescheduling the surgery at a time that is more convenient (although having it over the holidays is probably convenient for her).
Good Luck
The website for getting the FMLA definition is: [url]http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/get-cfr.cgi?TITLE=29&PART=825&SECTION=114&YEAR=1998&TYPE=TEXT[/url]
Of course, if it's elective,you may want to see if you cna get the emplyee to postpone it...but if he or she has given 30 days notice of the need for leave due to the elective surgery, that is all that is required fromt he emplyee in that regard.
Assuming ADA is not involved here, if FMLA is not applicable, then depending on what the exact words of your sick leave policy are, you may be able to deny it. Does your sick leave policy say such things as "compelling medical reasons, etc? Or, again, see if the employee is willing to re-schedule it.