min wage

Ok. I am in a new situation here. I have an employee who has had to be off for medical reasons and consequently has leave without pay. This employee also has a child support order in place. When I figure if this will take the employee below min wage, do I count all the hours in the pay period, or those worked/paid?
Thanks for your help!
Thanks for your help!
I am putting my fax number in your mail box. Thanks!!!
>labor says effective Sept 1, 1997 with no known changes "....$154.50
>is the minimum one can earn and be considered to have aggregate
>disposable earnings". 50% of everything over $154.50, if supporting
>other dependents or 60% if not supporting any other person. $1.00
>earned above the $154.50 is disposable income and you give 50% or 60%
>of the $1.00, otherwise the employee does not have disposable income.
>Federal and State Taxes are exempt from this Federal Wage Garnishment
>Law. Give me a fax number and I'll send you a copy. Pork
Pork....may 'I' impose on this this 'cheat sheet' also? My fax number is: 636-940-8499, Attn: Barb