Employee Injuries & Notification / Non-work Related

I have had two employees in the past month "pop-up" with injuries that have not been work related. One individual broke a few ribs while working on his farm and a cow stepped on him. The other employee that I have, over the past few years has had reoccurring back problems and recently (this week) she has been out of the office due to minor outpatient surgery.
The employee with the broken ribs is a remote / telecommuting employee located in KS (we are located in CO) and the only way that we found out about the problem was when our President met him at a trade show over this past weekend. The President noticed that the employee was walking differently and asked about his problem. According to the employee, the accident occurred during a Friday evening three weeks prior to the trade show. He proceeds to tell the President that his doctor stated that his only restrictions were that he "shouldn’t do anything that hurts". The employee then also states to the President that driving for long periods of time does hurts his ribs a bit – in my mind this would be against the restrictions of his doctor. The irony of this situation is that the employee logged over 1,124 miles during the past month.
The other employee with the back surgery is also in the same situation. She has been driving to customer locations (some locations over 150 miles one way) for the past two months when her doctor told her that she should not be driving. We just found this "restriction" out last week before she had surgery. The way we found out was that she was trying to work around a customer training class and stated to her supervisor “oh, well, I’ll go ahead and make the trip. After all the doctor stated that I shouldn’t have been driving for the past two months but I have felt okay”.
My question is, what type of liability is the organization under with aggravating these medical conditions if we didn't know about the restrictions? All of these restrictions were in the past and we had no knowledge about the situation (until now) so can we be held liable for any aggravation to their injury caused prior to this week? I am now pressing the employees hard for doctor's releases before I will let them travel to any customer locations although they have been very reluctant to provide anything. My guess is that they are feeling better but the doctor has not released them from restrictions. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
The employee with the broken ribs is a remote / telecommuting employee located in KS (we are located in CO) and the only way that we found out about the problem was when our President met him at a trade show over this past weekend. The President noticed that the employee was walking differently and asked about his problem. According to the employee, the accident occurred during a Friday evening three weeks prior to the trade show. He proceeds to tell the President that his doctor stated that his only restrictions were that he "shouldn’t do anything that hurts". The employee then also states to the President that driving for long periods of time does hurts his ribs a bit – in my mind this would be against the restrictions of his doctor. The irony of this situation is that the employee logged over 1,124 miles during the past month.
The other employee with the back surgery is also in the same situation. She has been driving to customer locations (some locations over 150 miles one way) for the past two months when her doctor told her that she should not be driving. We just found this "restriction" out last week before she had surgery. The way we found out was that she was trying to work around a customer training class and stated to her supervisor “oh, well, I’ll go ahead and make the trip. After all the doctor stated that I shouldn’t have been driving for the past two months but I have felt okay”.
My question is, what type of liability is the organization under with aggravating these medical conditions if we didn't know about the restrictions? All of these restrictions were in the past and we had no knowledge about the situation (until now) so can we be held liable for any aggravation to their injury caused prior to this week? I am now pressing the employees hard for doctor's releases before I will let them travel to any customer locations although they have been very reluctant to provide anything. My guess is that they are feeling better but the doctor has not released them from restrictions. Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.
Mel in CO