time off request

I have a friend who approached me with a question regarding her 16 yr. old daughter Amy, who currently works for a fast food restaurant. Amy recently asked for some time off, and gave the manager a few weeks notice. The next day she found her time off request slips posted on the employee bulletin board for everyone to see with a note from the mgr. stating "I need to know why you need these days off." Her daughter was upset because (1) she didn't feel that he needed to post them for everyone to see and (2) she doesn't feel it's his business as to exactly why she needs this time off.
Since she is a part-time high school worker, she does not have specific "vacation" or "personal" time. She said he has never done this to any other employee since she's been there, which has been almost 2 years. At this time, she is second highest in seniority.
Are there any rules/laws associated with this? Does an employee have to give a specific reason as to why they need time off? I know that at the company I work for, you simply state whether it's vacation, sick, etc. time and no questions are asked. I didn't know if it's different since she is part-time, under the age of 18, and is not accruing vacation, personal or sick time. We live in Wisconsin.
Since she is a part-time high school worker, she does not have specific "vacation" or "personal" time. She said he has never done this to any other employee since she's been there, which has been almost 2 years. At this time, she is second highest in seniority.
Are there any rules/laws associated with this? Does an employee have to give a specific reason as to why they need time off? I know that at the company I work for, you simply state whether it's vacation, sick, etc. time and no questions are asked. I didn't know if it's different since she is part-time, under the age of 18, and is not accruing vacation, personal or sick time. We live in Wisconsin.