Information Overload

Sometimes I wish I could put a computer chip in my brain so that I could remember everything. I don't remember where I heard this, a seminar, a periodical or even on here, but it dealt with Casino "Shoppers". What I heard is that you can not use information as a result of an employee shop, as grounds for discipline and/or termination. Can anyone lead me to where I can obtain more info on this?
Thanks in advance for any responses! And NO, it was not a senior moment.....:-)
Thanks in advance for any responses! And NO, it was not a senior moment.....:-)
It is when an employer hires a third party (shopper) to come to your establishment and pretend to be a customer. The shopper provides feedback to the employer regarding how they were treated by rating them per position appropriate criteria.
In our business we hire shoppers to pretend to be potential residents of our apartment complexes.
Tina Marie