Copying specific records

I am new to the HR area and I am unfamiliar with what is a reasonable request for documentation from an employee. I have a currently employed employee who has requested copies of his timecards for the current year as well as the past two years. Is there a limit to his request, and am I obligated to copy these?


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  • Tory; since timecards are business records of the company there would be no requirement that you dig these out and provide copies to an employee. However, sounds as if he is preparing to (or maybe already has) dispute his pay over time. I suggest you gain a clearer understanding of what's up. Have a conversation with him and see if he will reveal why he would need time cards. As you know, in the event he files some sort of claim or action, the time cards will be discoverable and integral to the process of ruling on his claim. For now, I'd meet with him to see what he's up to, advise him that the company does not provide such records to employees and do an analysis of them yourself to see what might be there that substantiates his claim. Tell him you'll be perfectly happy to investigate any inconsistency he feels there is but you'll need something to go on. Then, if he opens up and your analysis reveals he's right, be sure to make him whole. If his comments are hollow or baseless or seem to point to nothing significant, don't go to a lot of trouble running rabbits.
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