HR Comply

I recently signed up to receive resources from HR Comply. They sent me an Employment law manual for my state, a cd rom, they send me Newsletter abstracts to my email and I have access to their helpline. The cost is $207 USD and I have a 30 day trial period. Does anyone else use HR Comply for resources, and if so, was it useful? My trial period is up soon, so I appreciate any quick feedback I can get.
HR Comply was just bought by Ceridian. Ceridian customers should get a significant break on price to add it.
As far as my opinion of the product, it seems ok. I think their web based sex har training is a bit lacking but the research tools seem easy to use. My favorite service is BNA but they cost a lot more...
Before you purchase it, make sure you do your research. Some jurisdictions do not allow the insurance to cover punitive damages, and most won't help you out if reinstatement it the remedy. There are lots of other issues like high deductables and exclusions, so you really need to reseach it before you purchase it if you decide to do so.