Shift Work

We may be starting 2nd Shift Work in several months. This is a new one to me. Is there anyone that can guide me or can advise me as to what I need to especially address or be concerned with? Any special rules? Thank you.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have had two shifts for a period of time and these are the issues (problems) I can recall.

    I assume you will have a supervisor on the second shift. If so, he/she needs to know:
    What to do in the event of an emergency. Where to send an injured employee for treatment, i.e. is the facility you use during the day time also open in the evening. What to do if two employees start fighting, or someone comes to work drunk. Who to contact in the event of equipment breakdown.

    Are you going to pay a shift premium?

    How will you handle the monthly safety meetings (or other regular training sessions).

    Try to review the activities that happen on first shift, and be sure the same activites will be available for second shift.

    Hope this helps.
  • I assume most of your office management people will be gone home while the new shift is working. Here's a couple more things to consider: On second and third shift, we see a dramatic increase in visitors to the docks and dark areas of buildings. The pizza man also assumes he can walk through the plant at will after dark (wrong). Workers find reasons to dash out to their car more often on second and third. Security cameras are essential in our business on all shifts. Shift differential pay is suggested at least at 25cents. Look for people to tell you they missed second shift because they went to the doctor's office (closed). At first many will put in for the new shift thinking it will solve their child care problems or school problems - it won't and the same ones will be sleepy, not adjusting their biological clocks as required. Your logistics of managing the flow of information to your night people might be tested (insurance info, safety info, general meetings and exchanges). Put the best possible supervisor (2) on the new shift to ensure maximum success. Whew.....

  • I've worked with second and even third shifts for years. The previous replies pretty much cover the ground - shift pay, supervision, access to emergency care, etc. But the most important factor in establishing a successful second shift is to make sure they feel that they are part of the company. There is a tendency to forget about the off-shifts when planning Christmas luncheons, training sessions, etc. Make sure that the HR staff is aware that your second shift will have to be included in everything. Good luck.
  • We have three shifts, 8 hours each (which a 1/2 hour for lunch), resulting in a 1/2 hour overlap with each shift. We use this overlap between 3rd and 1st, and 1st and 2nd when we need to hold meetings. This way the off shifts feel included and hear what is going on. As mentioned, be sure to include them in EVERYTHING from safety meetings to benefit communications to pizza parties.
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