automatic clock out for lunch- legal or not???

Is it legal to automatically deduct an hour for lunch even though employee's do not always take the full hour? It is my understanding that an hour worked is an hour paid no matter what, but our accounting department seems to think otherwise. Any ideas?
If you subscribe to the Employment Law Letter in your state, go to the subscriber's area of this website. Then look at the Special Report called "Defusing the Overtime Bomb: How to Comply with the FLSA." It's my favorite Special Report (what a nerdy thing to say!) The section on unauthorized overtime begins on p. 49.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
We have gone back and forth, back and forth on this matter in our medical facility because we have so much time clock abuse by employees. They will clock out, go pick up their lunch down the street,and clock back in. Then, they will go in the breakroom and eat their lunch "on the clock". Presently, we don't automatically deduct for lunches, but because of the "milking" of the clock by employees, we are considering going back to this system.
As I explain to employees in orientation, if you work, we are required to pay you, but if you work after your supervisor advises you not to, we can fire you.
E Wart GA