Request EE to work light duty

I have an employee that has a doctor's certificate to be off for a week because of a hand injury (not worker's comp). Can I request her to work as an instructor that will not require her to use her hand? The doctor has stated she could drive so transportation would be no problem. If she does not "want" to work can this be a basis for termination?
Under FMLA, reduced or intermittent leave for the employee's serious health condition is strictly at the emplyee's option when medically necessary. The employer has no say in it. This is in comparison to the other reasons for FMLA leave in which both the employer and the employee have to mutually agree to intermittent or reduced FMLA leave.
Have you checked out any of the information on HR Hero for FMLA?
Or you can go to the FMLA regulaitons in the Code of Federal Regulaitons, 29CFR825.
Click on the link:
Take a look at 29CFR825.114, .115, and .117., especially to see if intermittent leave is even appropriate in this case, even if the employee WANTED to do it.
We are also conducting evaluations right now and asked her to come in one of two days for that but she has stated she is not available either day. With this attitude I am wondering what my options are????
If she does not turn in FMLA paperwork and refuses to report to work, unless your company policy dictates otherwise (in other words, if your company policy would give her leave anyway), the employee is AWOL and can be terminated for not showing up.
Good Luck!