keeping some personnel records separate from the original personal file

Why should I9's and employee medical records be kept separate from the employees personnel file? Are there any other records that should be kept separate and if so why?
>employees personnel file? Are there any other records that should be
>kept separate and if so why?
The ADA mandates that medical records be kept separately. Theoretically this keeps such records from being instrumental in personnel decisions and restricts access. The main reason to keep your I-9s separate is in case of an audit of those files. If separate, the auditor would not have ready access to the entire personnel file. For our own ease of retrieval and other internal needs, we also keep employee training records in separate files.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
We have avoided that by keeping separate drawers. The I-9s are kept in binders, alphabetically, with current employees in one and former employees in another. If immigration needs to look, they will only get those binders. By the way, I have also heard that if the INS looks at your "personnel" files and finds other deficiencies, they can contact the OSHA, the Labor Board or whichever agency who would oversee that issue and report you.
How awful for you, but I think very rarely do all those factors happen at the same time. I'd rather have one unusual problem than risk the liability that comes from a lack of confidentiality on all other employee medical files, particularly given the new privacy regulations coming down from Washington!
Margaret Morford