Confidentiality Agreements

I inadvertently posted this in the wrong forum yesterday. #-o
I'm hoping if I put it in the correct one, I will get some responses.
The accountant in our business department is a member of the staff union. Her job duties make her privy to a lot of confidential information (for instance, payroll). Although she has been told many times that she must maintain the confidentiality of the information she receives, there is nothing in writing to this effect. Can we require her to sign a confidentiality agreement stating that she will not divulge any confidential information received in the course of her job duties to anyone, including members of her union?
I'm hoping if I put it in the correct one, I will get some responses.
The accountant in our business department is a member of the staff union. Her job duties make her privy to a lot of confidential information (for instance, payroll). Although she has been told many times that she must maintain the confidentiality of the information she receives, there is nothing in writing to this effect. Can we require her to sign a confidentiality agreement stating that she will not divulge any confidential information received in the course of her job duties to anyone, including members of her union?
That is the exactly the situation. I was afraid the answer you gave was what I would hear -- it has to be the subject of bargaining. (I like DonD's answer better, though.) Thanks.
So far, the employee hasn't divulged any confidential information (at least as far as we are aware). The question was raised about the confidentiality agreement, and I knew I could bounce it off you guys. Thanks for your responses.