harassment mess getting messier............help!

I wrote recently about our Executive Director who was fired for harassing a female employee. He created a job for her, gave her a bigger salary, etc. Her job doesn't really exist but we are keeping her on so she doesn't claim retaliation. Now she is attending counseling and says she has post traumatic stress syndrome (he kissed her once). She wants us to pay for the counseling and to give her extended leave with pay. We only have her story, not his as he is gone. How dangerous is this situation, I.E. do we just keep giving her what she wants so she doesn't take this further (like sue us?). Where can we draw the line? Are there any resources out there that can help me figure this out? Thanks for your opinions. I value them....
I'm not saying harassment didn't occur here. It kind of sounds obvious...but I just caution everyone about rushing to judgment and ending careers before all the facts are in.
As far as the bigger issue of the post, I whole heartedly agree that it is time to call in the attorneys. The situation is damned if you do and damned if you don't, so get some counsel going in to weigh your options with this lady. Good luck.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers