Christmas Ideas?

I know, I know, it's only September! x:D
We are a corporate training facility with approximately 250 people, and I need some assistance from my fellow "Forum" folks to see if you can give me your ideas on possible Christmas (*oops*) Holiday gifts for your team members. Last year we gave an American Express Gift Cheque along with a trifold calendar for the following year with our logo on it (in lieu of a party). Any other thoughts? Sometimes it's so hard to be original . . . .x:-/ And this year we may have a party and may not . . .hasn't been decided yet.
Thanks in advance for your help!
We are a corporate training facility with approximately 250 people, and I need some assistance from my fellow "Forum" folks to see if you can give me your ideas on possible Christmas (*oops*) Holiday gifts for your team members. Last year we gave an American Express Gift Cheque along with a trifold calendar for the following year with our logo on it (in lieu of a party). Any other thoughts? Sometimes it's so hard to be original . . . .x:-/ And this year we may have a party and may not . . .hasn't been decided yet.
Thanks in advance for your help!
or two tickets to a sports event ( football, basketball ), or two tickets to an evening at the opera/philharmnic, or two meals at the best restaurant in town, or two tickets to an amusement park.
Enjoy !
One year we gave ice scrapers with our logo on them. Another year we gave mini coolers again with our logo. This year we have ordered "captain chairs" that come in a bag for camping, soccer games, etc. with our logo on them. They will be a very useful gift! I found them at this web site: [url][/url]
We usually have a big bash at a local hotel and we serve heavy finger foods (I never can spell that fancy French word!) We also has a dee jay for dancing pleasure. Last year we combined it with an achievement awards type thing, but we had a lot of grumbling that it cut into the dance time, so I don't know if we'll do that again this year.
We also give every employee a $25 WalMart gift certificate at Xmas time. People can usually find something they want at WalMart.
It's expensive, but we have spoiled our people rotten and they expect it and MORE every year. I had one person tell me last year that a $25 gift certificate was "an insult". I asked that they return it to me and I would be glad to give it to charity to buy kids toys, and that shut them up real quick.
Instead of giving ourselves a party, we "adopted" a local home for single women and children and gave them a party. We got lists of things that they wanted for christmas, and each employee bought a gift for someone on the list. To raise funds for additional gifts and food, we did a silent auction, with employees donating homemade items for other employees to bid on. Also, employees brought cookies to the party. Then we had the party with the families from the home. It was the best office Christmas party ever! The kids in the home (which ranged in age from teenagers to toddlers) had a great time.
Of course, being an employee of the state, we did not have $$ for a party for ourselves. But this is a great idea for any business to try.
Good Luck!
We approached it from the standpoint of "Sometimes it's you're time to give and sometimes it's your time to receive. This year is your time to receive. When times are better, you will get the privilege of helping another employee." We asked the employees to wrap all presents, but not to put cards on them so that the parents could address them to each child. We got the children's clothing sizes and toy requests, etc. Some departments would adopt a whole family. Some individuals volunteered to bring one item on the list. We would meet the employees after work off site to deliever the gifts so that no one knew they were part of the program. It was great and the employees loved taking care of our own and providing for each other.
Margaret Morford