Do I need a drug policy?

Here's my dilemma. I work for a small (less than 40 employees) software development co. We don't do anything by the book (all right, I did finally get them to classify some positions as non-exempt. It was my major coup, and it only took 2 years!!). Anyway, I've updated the employee manual (why bother??), and I had this silly idea that I should have something in there regarding use of drugs/alcohol. The truth is my CEO and President don't want to travel that path. They would rather deal with these problems as performance issues...i.e. excessive absence, poor performance, excessive lateness etc. In fact, they would prefer not to deal with these issues at all as long as work is not affected. And, don't we all agree this is the way to go? We have an employee now who would probably be considered an alcoholic, but other than some additional Mondays off, his performance is good. By the way, we're really good at ignoring our Paid Time Off policies! Am I in big trouble if I don't have a drug/alcohol policy, or am I in bigger trouble if I have a policy and don't use it?