HR for HR?

I've searched the archives but have come up empty handed on this one. I have had "unofficial" complaints from probably 5 or 6 people over the course of a year about the HR Manager. They say she's cold, moody, unfriendly and unapproachable. They (yes, all) complain that they do not trust her enough to go to her with workplace concerns/problems and one has even complained of the HR Manager telling their manager that he did something that he did not (instead of going to him first to see if her "suspicions" were correct--they weren't). Even though I feel I have an okay working relationship with my HR Manager, I do not feel comfortable telling her that people have complained about her. I have suggested to the "complainers" that they talk with her but they all refuse. While I can definetely see what they are saying (she is, infact, very cold, moody, unfriendly and unapproachable--unless you get to know her really well and stay on her good side) there is no way that I could possibly bring this to her attention without being extremely uncomfortable. Any thoughts? Where's the HR for HR?!
Who does the HR Manger report to? Suggest the complainers go to that person to talk about the HR Manager's behavior. That person would be the one to deal with the HR Manager's behavior.
Margaret Morford
I access this website from my home, my manager has nothing to do with it. You don't have to pay to post....
The time she will have to take researching the subject and putting together the workshop might cause her to change her own behavior.
Human beings have this strange compulsion to be consistent. Once she has given this seminar, it might make it very uncomfortable for her not to practice what she has preached.
My suggestion was based partly on my understanding of human behavior and my own personal experience. Whenever I have taught a workshop on a particular subject, I feel like it has greatly increased my own awareness and sensitivity to the subject matter.