Noncompete Agreements

I am trying to draft a covenant not to compete for a non-profit mental health agency. We have therapist who are starting private practice taking our clients with them. Does anyone have a copy of one that I can tailor to fit our employees? Does anyone know what the norm would be for bonus or pay raises for consideration for signing an agreement for our current employees?
These must be carefully drafted and are governed by state law. You really need to have an attorney's help if you want it to be at all enforceable. Even if someone sends you an example, you must have a local attorney review it. (For example, California doesn't allow them, and Texas has very specific legal requirements when medical care is involved). I am sure that your state has some too.
Also, a local attorney may help you devise some other plans to stop the competition (for example, having anyone who leaves pay referral fees for the next year for any client they take with them).
Good Luck!