Affirmative Action Plan

I work for a Credit Union and we take orders for US Savings Bonds, we also are a payout for those bonds. I was told that because of this (and the fact that we have 65 people) we fall under the need of having an Affirmative Action Plan.

Can anybody confirm or, Please, tell me that this is incorrect? Any help would be wonderful.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • CUNA can confirm this for you if it is required.
  • Executive Order 11246 requires AAP for employers who have over $50,000 in federal contracts or subcontracts and 50 employees or more to have an AAP. 60-2-1 of the regulations state the each nonconstruction contractor must develop and maintain a written AAP for each of its establishments if:

    1. Has a federal contract of $50,000 or more
    2. Serves as a depository of Government funds in any amount;
    3. Is a financial institution which is issuing and paying agent for U.S. savings bonds and savings notes in any amount.

    There are other criteria for being required to develop and maintain a written AAP which probably do not apply to you. See 41 CFR Section 60-2.1(b)

    I hope this helps

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