Employer reference

I worked at a nursing home a year ago. My employer was so impressed with my performance that they initiated my benefits early. During my interview, I told the ADON that I was available for night shift until June, and, at that time I would have to work another shift due to another committment. During my orientation, the charge nurse told me repeatedly to get things in writing from the ADON because she did not remember things, and caused problems with staffing, etc. due to this. I let her know a month in advance that the date I needed to change shifts was coming up, with no response, several times. In the mean time, a man I put in prison 15 years ago was being released EARLY and I got 30 days to prepare. I let administration know that if anyone called or came in to see me, that they were to tell them they did not know me (unless I let them know to expect someone)...they even had a mandatory staff meeting about this and I gave them permission to use my predicament as a privacy example. My doctor put me on three different drugs for depression/anxiety/sleep, and they were affecting my mentation and I was making errors (or so they said)...so, after several times, I gave 2 weeks notice and quit. Since this time, the ADON has given very poor references when called by other employers, and they have not hired me due to her statements. Do I have any recourse in this matter. My performance was circumstantial and all prior references show a spotless record, which is why they hired me in the first place. I feel like they are discriminating under the circumstances, and not taking my situation under consideration. Any suggestions?