Equal Opportunity Employer

We advertise that we are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are a medium size (85 people) non-profit. We would like to advertise a position in-house before we resort to outside advertisement. Does anyone see any problem with that?
John Vering
I feel that it is a "win" situation for the employer if they do hire someone within the organization for a given position. First, you are promoting (by example) that your organization is willing to grow employees internally and that your organization does promote within – it says to an employee that they can grow with the organization and not be stuck in the same position for the rest of their employment term. Secondly, you would be hiring someone who is already familiar with the organization so training time is reduced because you don’t have to teach someone about the organization; just train them on the position. And finally, you are saving on both internal and external costs - you will save on internal costs because you don't have to train them fully on how the organization operates and you will be saving on external costs of running an advertisement in newspapers and/or on the web.
Good luck -- hopefully you do find someone internally.