Internship Program

We have started to formalize our internship program this summer and I could use some help from those of you who also use college interns. I would like to design a questionnaire or document that can be given to the intern during their last week, which would ask them questions about their internship (was it a learning experience, what would they suggest be done differently as to training, were there any disappointments, etc). I also would like a questionnaire to give to the intern's supervisor, which would ask for feedback on the performance of the intern as well as what could be done differently next year. Before I start to put this together, I thought I would ask if anyone out there already has these questionnaires or documents. Any help will be appreciated.
Is the intern returning to school or a job?
Would the intern be interested in a staff position at the company?
Did intern get along well with supervisor? Yes or No. If no, explain:
How well did supervisor handle intern’s needs?
How did intern feel overall about the experience?
What were the most valuable learning items/experiences?
What support and/or tools were/would have been helpful?
What did intern dislike about his/her assignment?
What recommendations would the intern have for the program in the future?