Sex, race, veteran status, DOB?

Once a person is hired and is a current employee, can the employer ask the sex, race, veteran status? The parent company needed this info for their EEO-1 report. They are also wanting DOB on each employee for their new payroll system. I can guess sex but not race or veteran status. These questions are not asked before they are hired and has only been asked of current employees.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Earlearl: When I worked for the State, we were required to enter this type of identifying data into the system on all job applicants. The policy was to enter what the race appeared to be, as close as could be determined without actually asking the person. We now do this same thing on the EEO-1. I doubt that there is any prohibition on handing out an annual update form, or even one at new-hire signup, including those items among others, like dependents update for insurance and telephone number change, etc. If the form has the reason stated on it for your needing the information, I don't think folks would be concerned about it. If they are, fall back on your best assumption as to race. DOB will be on insurance forms and I-9 backup documents. The politically correct approach would be to put INA (information not available) in the field for race and let the EEOC chirp about it. Bottom line is if one is going to complain, it will ultimately have to be to the EEOC and they are the agency you're satisfying with the data in the first place. (Do I hear an echo in your name? x:-))
  • Earl

    We have a form in our applications that is completely voluntary to fill out that asks for that information. It's called an "Applicant Data Record". Basically it says that various government agencies request statistical information and that it's completely voluntary...used for statistical purposes only and is kept separately from our records regarding their application and/or employment. Also it is noted that any information gathered is strictly confidential.

    Hope this helps

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