Required Mental Health Treatments

As a result of certain undesirable behaviors, we are requiring a non-exempt employee to attend mental health treatments (anger management) as a condition of his employment. These treatments/sessions take place after the employee's normal working hours.
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether or not the time spent in the sessions is "hours worked?" What about the travel time?
To add a layer of complexity, what if the company requires, as a condition of employment, the employee to comply with the recommendations of his therapist? If the therapist says that the employee should attend AA meetings three times a week, is all of the time spent in AA sessions hours worked? What about the travel time? What if the therapist says that the employee needs regular physical exercise? Are workouts then hours worked? Help!
Does anyone have an opinion as to whether or not the time spent in the sessions is "hours worked?" What about the travel time?
To add a layer of complexity, what if the company requires, as a condition of employment, the employee to comply with the recommendations of his therapist? If the therapist says that the employee should attend AA meetings three times a week, is all of the time spent in AA sessions hours worked? What about the travel time? What if the therapist says that the employee needs regular physical exercise? Are workouts then hours worked? Help!
As far as the therapist's recommendations, I don't know how you would know this as therapists are covered by confidentiality and cannot reveal anything about their patients.
The employee also needs to understand that even if they are in the program and cooperating, any reoccurance of angry/violent behavior will lead to immediate termination.
Margaret Morford