Performance Evaluation Schedules and Merit Increases

Does anyone have a really efficient system/schedule for performance evaluations and merit increases? Our organization has a strangely convoluted schedule that is very hard to keep track of. We do not have an HRIS, unless you count ADP profile, which does not have a way to track promotions, etc. The system was created when there were only about 50 employees (before my time), and now we have grown to 126. I am open to any and every suggestion. Help!


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I schedule performance evaluations on the employee's anniversary date. I download the employee's name and hire date from ADP into excel. When I send out the PA I note it in the spreadsheet. When it comes back to me, I enter that I received it again into the spreadsheet. In order to simplify the matter, we normally give merit increases at the time of review. If I receive a review back without an Employee Change Form signaling a merit increase, I call the manager. I have found this to be the best system for me. That way I can track what's coming due, what's late, and what's been received and processed. I also note the increase amount (if any) which provides me with a salary increase history for that year.
  • Our evaluations are done on the empee's anniversary date also. I use MS Outlook to keep track of the due date. All increases are recorded on the cover of their personnel files. It's really very easy.
  • I have all our employee information in a MS data base program called Access. It can contain as much information that you can dream up. Depending on what project I am working on, the information can be sorted to facilitate the research. By zip code to find car poolers, by review date to keep track of up coming reviews, by EEO codes to do the annual EEO census, etc.
    I have looked at some HRIS systems but I do not find them user friendly. After all, we are HR people not IT experts.

  • New employees are evaluated after 6 months of service. After that, all performance evaluations are done in December of each year. This evaluation is based on 10 different elements for non-exempt employees and 18 different elements for exempt employees. Merit increases are generally received January 1st of each year and are based upon current salary, job responsibilities and duties, performance evaluations, and a salary survey.
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