Mismatch letter

Does anyone have an "understandable" approach to the mismatch letters being sent by the Social Security Administation? I believe that I know what to do to correct employer's reporting errors, the SSA letter I received gave very clear instructions. What I need is a plain English explanation of what the employee needs to do and why (this then has to be translated to Spanish). I want to keep it simple s.....
I think your sample letter may not have answered the question from cebudragonlady. There was a good article on this subject in the Delaware ELL, if you are a law member ([i]I stumbled onto it!![/i]). Seems that INS [u]could[/u] conclude that because your employee can't or won't correct the problem, you are on notice that the employee may not be eligible to work in the U.S. The article cautions that employers should be very careful not to discriminate against someone.
Good luck.
We were notified by the Social Security Administration that the Social Security number you provided to us does not agree with the Social Security Administration's records. This does not mean that the information you provided is incorrect. There may be several reasons why the reported information doesn't agree with the SSA:
1. Transcription or typographical errors
2. Incomplete or Blank name or SSN
3. Name Change.
In order to correct your records, you must visit an SSA office. When you visit the SSA, you must bring proof of your age, identity and citizenship or Alien status (you must present original documents). Please call 1-800-772-1213 if you have any questions or to find out the location of the nearest SSA office.
It is your responsibility to visit the SSA within 8 Federal Government work days from today to resolve your records. TAKE THIS FORM WITH YOU TO THE SSA.
If, as a result of your visit to the SSA, any of the information you gave to your employer changes, you must notify your employer of those changes immediately.
Your employer may not terminate your employment or take adverse action against you because your case has been referred to the SSA.
If you do not under what you are required to do, please call the SSA toll free number and they will assist you.
Date Referred to the SSA: ____________________________
Name of Company: ______________________________
Name of Company Official_______________________ Phone: ______________________
Company Official's Signature: Date Signed:
Employee's Signature: Date Signed:
Office Stamp SSA Employee Name:
Date of Visit:
I had one employee that I referred over to SSA (who later thanked me) because SSA had all the wrong information on file for him. I also referred an employee that I received the SSA letter for. Come to find out, she was never authorized to work in the United States and only confessed when she received the notice.
I participate in the INS basic Pilot Program which works in conjunction with the SSA. When I verify a new employee's I-9 Form, I also verify the information on -line with INS and SSA. When an employee's authorization comes back with a question, this is the form that INS/SSA has me send along with the employee to resolve their employment eligibility.