FMLA headline

I just read Sunday's paper (Indianapolis Star) and on the front page was a headline reading Family Leave Act bolsters attendance-based bonuses. It specifically stated "The idea behind the FMLA is to provide workers with unpaid leave-without detriment or loss of benefits." My delimma is - we wrote a new policy about 2 years ago and it states before you go on FMLA you negate your bonus (due to perfect attendance for that quarter) and 2 personal days that the company decided to give to hourly employees as a perk. This story is telling me I can't take away their bonus or personal days. When I was at a seminar last year, I specifically asked the attorney if we could do this and he said their would be no problem. Ok, has their been a change in the FMLA laws I am unaware of or what. Please help!!
"An employee's use of the FMLA qualified leave may not result in the loss of any employee benefit that the employee earned or was entitled to before using FMLA leave, or that s/he would have attained. For example, FMLA leave cannot disqualify an employee from a "perfect attendance" bonus (or similar bonus based on attendance)." When this was presented, the uproar in the room was deafening, but the lawyers stated that this was and is the law. Hope this helps.