Need answer today!! EE may have TB

We have an ee whose child has tested postive for TB. This employee works with families and newborns in their homes providing in-home visitation services. Can we force this ee to take a TB test. What if the test comes back positive? Should we suspend her from working until she has gotten the test results? This is in Kentucky.
I have had evidence of TB and a positive skin test (evidence that it had invaded my right lung and then later healed), yet I have never been "broken down" with active TB. I did have to undergo a 9-month regimen of drugs for the TB. I was approved for public contact at all times, although an H.R. Manager.
So, see if your employee will bring info on their child. The decision you make should be determined by the information you receive and guidance from your health care professional (in our state the County Health Departments are great for handling incidents of TB).
Good luck!