Exercising on Company premises

Currently, we permit employees to play football on a grassy field on our property, to play basketball in our parking lot where we have installed a hoop, and to play roller hockey in another section of our parking lot--all during lunch time. These activities are entirely informal and not organized by the Company.
What is our liability here, workers comp. or otherwise, for injury?
Also, we received a request today from a group of employees who would like to use one of our conference rooms to use exercise tapes during lunch time. This activity is also informal and not organized by the Company.
What is our liability here, workers comp. or otherwise, for injury? Does it matter that this activity is taking place inside and not outside?
We are in the state of Pennsylvania.
What is our liability here, workers comp. or otherwise, for injury?
Also, we received a request today from a group of employees who would like to use one of our conference rooms to use exercise tapes during lunch time. This activity is also informal and not organized by the Company.
What is our liability here, workers comp. or otherwise, for injury? Does it matter that this activity is taking place inside and not outside?
We are in the state of Pennsylvania.
I hate it when you have to be so careful instead of allowing people to have fun and exercise at work. You have to weigh what is more important to your company culture.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers