7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The beginning of April we hired an individual to present the Covey workshop, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to all of our management staff. It was an intense three days but well worth the time and money. We will be meeting monthly to discuss and keep actively working on the 7 habits.

Has anyone else attended the workshop as a group and what have you done as a follow-up? Any outlines, activities, refresher material???


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I am interested in this topic also. We are
    developing a needs assesment in our company because we
    have many Supervisors and Managers who have been
    "home grown". However; our company is struggling financially
    and we cannot afford to "hire" anyone at this point.
    Could you please jot a note to me to let me know how
    this turns out for you? I recently joined the company and...
    oh my! I'm surprised that we have not had any huge employee
    walk outs.

    Transplant in Indy
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