Sports Activities Waiver

If employees refuse to sign a waiver stating that they play sports on their breaks at their own risk (not lunchbreak)can you legally restrict them from participating in those sports? Also, can you tell those people they are required to take their breaks in a certain area (lunchroom)?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • While most "rest breaks" are 15-20 min's, I guess it's possible for some staff to engage in a sports activity during that short time. I, however, would be reluctant to permit employees to do this type of activity during their rest break (which is normally paid by the employer). It's a different thing when employees use their own time(typically meal periods, w/o pay). And yes, the employer can designate those areas approved for employee "breaks" . Failure to do so can result in staff taking their "break" anywhere they choose in the workplace and this is probably not permissable.
  • Thank you. Now, may I ask who replied to my message? I'm interested in your expertise/background so I may pass that info on to those who need to know where I work.

    Thanks alot!
    C.E. Morrill
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